Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Hello fellow bookies! My name is Kari, I am a Canadian girl from a small town. I am married and have two fabulous children. I have been a bookie since grade one or two. My interest in reading began in my twin sized bed under a blankie :)  it then grew to include a wonderous invention- yes a flashlight! Some of my best getaways in life have been through my reading adventures. I soon found that night time reading was not enough for me so I began to take on new spots to read. I discovered the perfect corner of the couch, the best comfy chair in the house, the car, and most treasured to me was the bench like shelf in my bedroom closet- absolutely magical! As I grew and matured I found even more places and times to dive into the pages that were waiting for me to discover. Bookstores (back in a time when the store owner frowned at people that did more than just skim through), the front porch and swings and even on the floor in front of my bed with music blaring. I also discovered the great joy of  walking home from the library book in hand and head in book -now known as texting and walking-and there's even an app for that! All readers will agree that sometimes the chance to read does not always coincide with a great place to read. I have found myself with a tear stained face behind my book while sitting on a bus, or laughing my head off in the middle of class while secretly reading a novel rather than the textbook. I have also had a babe in one arm and a book in the other and been caught trying to decide if I should burp the baby or turn the page. Please join me in my adventures of reading, joy of books and the delight of words on pages.

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